My daughter had surgery on Tuesday and as I always suspected, it is easier to be the patient than the caregiver. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind being the caregiver, but I think it is exhausting. My daughter is 27, but had never been in the hospital before, let alone for major surgery. I stayed with her overnight in the hospital sleeping on a recliner they provided. I am pleased she is doing well, but she is anxious about every little ache or pain, so I must constantly reassure her. She has been quite content to be waited on hand and foot, so I finally started making her get up and do simple things on her own. I know it is better for the healing to move. I was unable to paint for a couple of days and it felt good to pick up a brush late in the week.
Today was quite warm for Michigan this time of year and I sat outside with my coffee this morning and just soaked up the sun. It felt sooooo good. I was energized for the entire day. I am really sensing the changing of the season and I can't wait!!
Plan on spending considerable time in my studio this week and hope to complete several other half finished pieces on my shelf.
Till next time,
Gail, so glad your daughter is doing okay. What a beautiful flower bed in this mini! You are so lucky to live in such a picturesque part of the country.
Thanks Mona,
I am glad she did so well with her surgery too! She may be all grown up, but she is still my baby.
Hi Gail. It's a beautiful piece, so colorful. I can see why you would be in need of patience on this one. Such detail and in such a small space! Are you working on illustration board?
I'm so glad your daughter is on the mend and doing well. Enjoy your sunshine and getting back to your studio.
I love this one Gail... think I already told you that, but had to come see it again! :-)
Thanks Carol
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