Thought I would show one of my latest paintings that I delivered to the island on Friday. This is a well loved Indian chief who is affectionately called Duck. He is a well known figure who officiates at all the parades. This painting is 4 inches by 4 inches and is painted with acrylic on ampersand gessoboard. I had a lot of fun with this piece and am considering painting some of the reinactments at Fort Mackinac.
Friday, my husband and I made our first trip to Mackinac Island for the season. The weather was horrible. The ferry ride wasn't too bad considering the windy conditions but for some reason the coast guard was sitting outside the harbor-hmmm. We walked up to Lilacs and Lace, another store owned by Jack, the gallery owner. He has just expanded his store and gave us a tour. On the way over to Victorian Summer Gallery, about two blocks away, we observed some of the horses returning to the island.

This was the best photo I could get as these big boys were moving at a fast pace. They had just taken a ferry ride from the upper peninsula and were spooking out at every noise! Just before I took this shot we had to scatter as one horse actually jumped up onto the sidewalk and almost took out the trash container in the picture. The island in season has over a hundred horses that are used for everything from taxis, trash pick up even UPS deliveries. No cars are allowed on the island.
The gallery is not open for business yet this year and looks a little bare without all the flowers in planter boxes that will be present soon. I was so busy talking with the people in the gallery I forgot to take any pictures. I get engrossed in conversation!

After leaving the gallery we walked up to the Grand Hotel to see the tulips that are on display every spring. It was so cold that every one of them was completed closed up! I can't blame them. We quickly walked back downtown and parked ourselves in one of the restaurants for lunch. We waited as long as possible before walking down to the boat docks. The weather forecast called for 2-4 inches of snow on the island.
Hopefully it will be warmer when we return next month.
Till next time,
1 comment:
It may be freezing, but it's beautiful! Love your chief. He looks like someone with so much character in his face - I can envision a whole series of successful chief paintings.
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