We arrived on the island Friday as I had some framing to complete before the show. The weather was already getting nasty and was the beginning of a rough weekend on the island. The ferry ride was more like going to the amusement park and the wind was buckling our umbrellas in the opposite way they fold. Not to be deterred, we went about our business and helped the gallery owner finalize the setup of the show.
Friday evening was the opening reception for my friend Bill Murcko's show at the library that hosts art events as well. We fought our way over in the wind and driving rain (no cars on the island) and talked with Bill, Betty, his wife, and their son who had flown in from New York. I took a picture of Bill next to my favorite painting in the show. I love the expression on the girls face in this painting. One wonders what she is thinking about!
The opening reception for my show was Saturday evening and the weather again did not cooperate. I had a friend that called to say she would not be attending the show because she was not about to get on the ferry -it was so bad out. We found out later that more than one freighter heading into Lake Michigan thought better about continuing their trip and were anchored behind the island to shelter themselves from the storm. Many people did venture out, however ,and it was a great time. Below is Bill Murcko attending MY show along with the mayor of Mackinac Island (in pink) and her mother (back turned away) who is the most spry 90 year old I have met in my life.
I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend and didn't get windblown wherever you were at.
Till next time,