Wow has it really been a month since I last posted!! The older I get, the faster time goes by. It has been a busy month. The above painting is one of two pieces sent to the MPSGS show in Washington D.C. Unfortunately, I did not make the deadline for MASF. My up North galleries are still keeping me busy. Can't complain!! I was very excited to learn I will have a show on Mackinac Island at the Victorian Summer Gallery next Labor Day weekend. I am very honored to be given this opportunity. Now the work begins.
Saturday, my husband and I made a quick trip to Traverse City (Elk Rapids) to paint during Art Beat gallery open houses at Twisted Fish Gallery. I met many wonderful people and had an opportunity to discuss exactly what a miniature is. Many people were interested to learn of the 1/6th scale guideline. This is becoming more important as of late, because I see a shift by artists to smaller format paintings. These are small paintings as opposed to miniature paintings. It is always fun to watch the amazement of people at the small size and detail of a miniature painting. I had several people tell me that my paintings looked like photographs. I told them that was the idea!
I currently have several paintings in process in my studio. I am finishing up a commission and two other paintings for Victorian Summer Gallery. I am also painting Winter scenes for Twisted Fish Gallery holiday show beginning November 1st.
Next week we are off to camp on Lake Lelanau, West of Traverse City. This is a beautiful inland lake that we camp on every year. I think this year it may be snowing!! During our camping trip we are going to meet up with Carol Andre. We have never met face to face but we talk quite often and have a lot in common. Really looking forward to meeting her.
Once back from camping it will be time to winterize the motorhome, and start putting lawn furniture away. I can't believe it, but Winter is coming.
Till next time,
Gail, Hope all the projects slow down for you soon so you can devote more time to your new found love of miniature painting! It's always a bummer to have to skip a show when you really wanted to participate.
Love your compositional subject matter!
Thanks Wes and Rachelle,
Sorry I have been really slow at getting back to answer and update my blog. I will get the hang of this sooner than later. Isn't it wonderful to be able to work at what we love? Sometimes I pinch myself. I could be slaving in an office right now!
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